National Merit Semifinalist

In September 2025, more than two-thirds (about 34,000) of the high scorers will be designated Commended Students. They will be named on the basis of a nationally applied Selection Index qualifying score that may vary from year to year.

In recognition of their outstanding ability and potential for academic success in college, NMSC will honor these students by sending Letters of Commendation to them through their high schools. Although Commended Students will not continue in the competition for National Merit Scholarships, some may be candidates for Special Scholarships offered by corporate sponsors (see sponsor list). NMSC will notify those candidates in November 2025.


More than 16,000 of the high scorers, representing less than 1% of the nation’s high school graduating seniors, will qualify as Semifinalists. Only Semifinalists will have an opportunity to advance in the competition for Merit Scholarship® awards. NMSC will notify Semifinalists of their standing and send scholarship application materials to them through their high schools in September 2025. Their names will be sent to regionally accredited four-year U.S. colleges and universities and released to local news media for public announcement in mid-September.

LISA West High school is proud to announce Madeline R. as one of these esteemed semifinalists!  We wish are so proud of her hard work and dedication, and wish her best of luck in her bright future!